A ‘moment’ can change a lifetime. And right up to that ‘moment’ we only have ourselves to answer to for the successes or failures we’ve created. In my experience however, it’s only the failures that actually flush the ‘moment’ out into the open.
I meet many people that ‘Used to be’ something or another - or feel that the world is set against them. And maybe that’s true but the only person that will back on track is you.
You're searching for an answer your hands and tongue are tied
The answers are there, right in front of your eyes - you just have to find the ‘moment’ to go and take life, head on.
You could take tomorrow, You think you've got it all
The words of this track resonated with me yesterday (even though I'm not the biggest Stereophonics fan) as I tried to help a lost soul find the right ‘moment’ to start living life with a future. A future where tomorrow is brighter than today and every day brings joy, happiness and personal fulfilment.
I'm looking in the mirror, stare at my reflection
I know how that ‘moment’ feels. What it’s like to be lost but also what can be achieved when you find a new direction and a reason to feel alive and full of hope.
Now if you find yourself thinking about your ‘moment’ in the midst of this Covid-Madness’, well there’s no better time to press your reset button. Think about what you really desire, really want to achieve and really want to be.