Sunday 26 November 2017

Chasin’ the Feeling - Biters

Biters are a relatively new American Rock Band to me and I particularly love this track from their paradoxically titled ‘The Future ain’t what it used to be’ album of May 2017. It was a late change for today’s blog as I was going to use U2’s Desire to highlight my thoughts about the passion that drives us on to greater things. However, the Drug references in the U2 lyrics didn’t really match my message and the Biters lyrics are far more positive IMO and as ‘Desire’ is all about Chasin’ a Feeling and I feel there’s enough logic in there to justify the link.

Anyway, back to the plot - and it’s been a very busy and most interesting week in ‘Coleman-Coaching-World’. You see, I’ve been finding folk increasingly more fascinating when I speak to them about their levels of ‘Desire’. You see ‘Desire’ comes in so many strengths. The synonyms highlight the fact beautifully. In its mildest of forms ‘Desire’ is a ‘Wish or a Want’. A ‘Thirst or Hunger’ if the ‘Desire’ is stronger but a proper ‘Desire’ if it’s a ‘Crave or an Ache’ – that’s the true ‘Desire’ that I like to see in the folk that I like to help.

'Come on!'

I’ve seen it manifest in many people’s attitude this week and it’s marvellous thing to witness as their goals become closer and small victories along the way are made. All marvellous stuff. However, it’s easy to shout about success but it’s the folk that start off with the best of intentions yet can’t stay true to their ‘Desire’ that I really want to help.  

'I keep looking for that one thing, to get me loose'.

I always ask folk what their goal is, it should of course be every Coach or Personal Trainer’s first question to their client. People’s level of ‘Desire’ determines the level of ‘Projection’ of fresh thought needed from me to help them stay true to their goal.

You see, I can’t project ‘Desire’, I can however ‘Project’, a mental upgrade offering a different personal operating system which simplifies how folks feel about how they live their lives and more importantly, how they see themselves. It’s the one BIG thing over the years I’ve found that sets folks free.

'Set me free'.

Having been in a similar situation myself and finding my way out of a situation that at the time seemed hopeless and suffocating, I understand how hard it can be for anyone experiencing their ’Point Zero’. Sadly, there isn’t a skeleton key to everyone’s heart and soul but there is one common denominator – People don’t realise just how lucky or how good they really are. They also spend far too much time over-thinking, procrastinating and analysing rather than ‘doing’ something to help them find the freedom and the creativity they ‘Desire’.

'I'm still chasin' the feeling'.

I’m surrounded by people who ‘say’ they want to achieve, yet most will spend their precious time and energy ‘Chasin’ the feeling rather than ‘Feelin’ the Feeling - or in fact ‘Livin’ the feeling – missing out forever on ‘Livin’ the dream. As that’s what we’re all chasin’ isn’t it?

'Climbin' the ceiling'.

The lyrics are so strong and continue, ‘I gotta get it before it's gone’ and if you’re like me, you’ll understand it when I say ‘I got the feeling in my bones’. I’ve had that feeling for as long as I can remember. A ‘Desire’ to be my best, to achieve the best I can and be the person that I’ve always known I could be.

One thing I’d ask you to consider is what are you going to do to satisfy your ‘Desire’ as your future depends on it but maybe you’ve ‘Never had a future to lose’… it’s worth a thought isn’t it?

'Come on!'

Rory Coleman
1,004 Marathons - 245 Ultras - 14 Marathon des Sables - 9 Guinness World Records

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