Thursday 16 January 2020

Speak to Me - The Pink Floyd

It’s never the right time is it to say or do something. The right moment never comes along or it does and we miss it as we didn’t realise that it was the perfect moment, we were distracted and missed the opportunity or we thought something bigger and better would come our way.

How many times have you said to yourself, ‘if only’...

I realise that we all see ‘ and risk in different degrees. I define Chance as 50:50 - Red or Black - Zero or One. You know a Sliding Doors kinda thing. Whereas risk is more of a score out of 10. Or an accumulator where a+b+c=d usually standing for disaster.

Now it’s said that ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression’, and it’s one of my favourite expressions as once you’ve done something, anything in fact, there’s no taking it back. If you’ve ever experienced sending an email by mistake without deleting the previous venomous emails (I have) you’ll know exactly how hard reverse gear is to find.

And we can plan for ‘Chance’ as the less you take the less mistakes you make. It’s a simple if rather unadventurous approach to life. With some thought though, ‘Chance’ can be more 60:40 in your favour.

Risk is the hard one to gamble on though. Betting odds are said to be pitched at 75% of the stake so no wonder Bookies always win but we should be able to realise when the odds are stacked in our favour and it’s obvious that it’s the right time to go for it.

Ask any surfer when their biggest wave was and they might well say it’s yet to come as many people don’t realise they’ve peaked at their particular area of skill. Being able to walk away saying that’s it, that’s the one, that’s the one I’ll remember forever is the $64 million dollar question we’d all like to know the answer to.

It is however, the long game and one we become more and more risk adverse to as we get older and use experience more than gut instinct as our methodology.

The right time becomes ‘never’ as people wait a lifetime for all the planets to line up, all the dominos to be upright and ready for a kinetic knockdown or in sales, the one big deal to go down leading to fame and fortune.

The real time is actually ‘Now’ as there’s nothing to lose as if you never take the plunge it ain’t gonna happen anyway - so why not?

Thing's might not pan out as you’d hoped but at least you’ll know. So if you’ve been procrastinating for years, plucking up the courage to jump, to speak up for yourself ffs do it and do it NOW before it’s too late and you spend a Lifetime regretting you waited a Lifetime...

1,050 Marathons, 255 Ultras, 9 Guinness World Records, 15 Marathon des Sables 
25 Years of Marathon Running & 26 Years Alcohol-Free

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