Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Marathon - Rush

Middlekerke - 1997
I find it hard to believe but I ran my first ever marathon, 30 years ago today. And what a ride it's been, especially as in just a few days I'll be running my 1200th at the Druids Challenge! When I set out on the Telford Marathon, on that fateful Sunday morning in 1994, I never thought that I'd still be running marathons well into my sixties or that I would have run so many.

Why? Well I still enjoying covering the magical 26 miles 385yards distance or more as I love the feeling of accomplishment that a marathon always seems to deliver. And I've run some of the hardest, hottest, longest and even sandiest races there are and yes, also some were really muddy, wet and dull but I've enjoyed them all.

A marathon is a marathon at the end of the day and the greatest gift has actually been meeting and making new friends along the way. You know who you are. And if you are going the Druid Challenge this weekend please make sure you say hello and be part of my landmark marathon - see you there.

1,197 Marathons - 281 Ultras - 17 MDS - 9 GWR - One life

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! ...Good Luck for Druids.
