Thursday, 16 January 2025

Cars - Gary Numan

We are a nation of car lovers and research from Auto Trader said that nearly 1 in 5 Brits give their car a pet name, and over 1 in 10 people agree that a car can make a person more attractive, with 11% admitting that they’re in love with their car. Well that’s what the internet says and I only looked following a couple hours of cleaning the two cars in the ‘Coleman Household Fleet’.

We have two cars, a larger family car, and a smaller run around which if you know me, you’ve probably seen. Both are used daily, mainly to shepherd children from A to B across Cardiff and are hence full of various spent items of food and the odd bit of rubbish. I’m sure you can imagine.
And after a couple of hours, both were antiseptically clean and as near to original to their original condition as I could make them. Now, I’m not one to have super expensive cars - I mean, why invest in a depreciating asset? They are in fact two very much middle of the road, French cars – enough said.
So, whilst cleaning said cars, it got me thinking what does having a clean car say about you – not what model. And depending on the context and how others might perceive them here are some thoughts.
Attention to Detail
It suggests that you pay attention to details and care about your belongings.
Maintaining a clean car can reflect a sense of responsibility and pride in ownership.
In some settings, like work or business, a clean car might indicate that you value appearances and professionalism.
It may suggest that you are an organised and tidy person, extending the same care to other areas of your life.
Respect for Others
If you often have passengers, a clean car can show that you care about their comfort and experience.
People might perceive you as someone who values personal hygiene and cleanliness in general.
Of course, these interpretations vary based on context and culture, but overall, a clean car generally leaves a positive impression – and if it is, congratulations as you tick all the boxes but if it’s a farmyard you might want to up your game and take it for a well-earned Spring-clean.

1,205 Marathons - 285 Ultras - 17 MDS - 9 GWR - 2 Clean Cars

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