Sunday 4 January 2015

Chemistry - Rush

Joseph William Mallord Turner
Lyric:- Elemental telepathy - Lee, Lifeson & Peart

Song Choice:- The Canadian Heavy Beat Trio have been with me on my 21 year journey every step of the way so it's only right to feature one of their lesser well known songs today.

Chemistry? Well I was rubbish at it at school but understand it more than ever nowadays as it goes hand in hand with being an ex-drinker/smoker and how running agitates my serotonin enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

It's not the answer to everything as there are still things only known to ourselves that demonstrate our instant chemistry of love or hate. During my 21 years stint, I've met some amazing people, conquered some huge personal Everest's and have completely overhauled myself and my outlook on life completely.

Luckily, I haven't changed all of chemical likes since 1993 and I still love JWMT's Fighting Temeraire as you will know, if you know me but maybe I have a different understanding of other people and their needs as well as my own.

I'm not sure I will be celebrating out loud tomorrow, I did think of going back to retrace the steps of my first run. A 200 mile drive to run 100 metres didn't quite seem worth it!

How's your Chemistry?

Coleman Coaching - The UK's Leaders in Inspirational Coaching.

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