Monday 20 December 2021

Changes - David Bowie

You can’t change yesterday but you can change tomorrow....

People live life looking in the rear-view mirror. It’s not about what’s gone. It’s about the future. Your future. In January 1994, as part of a New Year’s Resolution, I decided to make a life-changing decision that reshaped my future by writing down some fresh life-rules on one side of an A4 sheet of paper. It was as simple as that.


I wrote the things down I didn’t want to do anymore. I didn’t want to drink, I didn’t want to smoke, I didn’t want to eat an unhealthily diet. I didn’t want to waste my time. That was the big challenge. You see, I was wasting my time and therefore I felt I was wasting my life.


Then, I considered the things that the ‘new’ Rory Coleman was going to do. A very exciting moment, where I thought, ‘I can be anything and anyone I want to be. Firstly, I’m going to get really fit and get in shape. At 95 kilos, (about 15 stones) the scales underlined just how out of condition I’d become.


In a state of personal disgust, I decided I needed to go for a run to lose weight. And from my front door on a very cold and very wet January evening in 1994 in my jeans, winter jacket and leather work shoes (as I didn’t possess any running gear), I ran for my life. There was no Internet to research on how to run so I just thought I’ll simply run. And after only 100 steps I passed out on the pavement. However, I wasn’t disheartened - I felt ecstatic as I’d found my thing. The framework I’d build the rest of my life around.

There's a new you waiting for you in 2022. 

And this is an extract from my next book, 'The Coleman Mindset'. If I've worked with you this year, I hope that together we have changed your world and I thank you. If you are thinking of reaching out to me, please do as I'm here 24/7 to help you get through the festive period in one piece ready to reshape your future next year.

Nadolig Llanwen.

Rory x

1,118 Marathons - 261 Ultras - 15 MdS - 9 Guinness World Records - 10,211 Days' Sober

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