Wednesday 9 October 2013

Rush - Marathon

Elvetham Hotel

'More than high performance, more than just a spark,
More than just the bottom line, or a lucky shot in the dark,
In the long run'...

Lifeson, Lee & Peart

Well it's been a great day for me as I've been speaking at a Staff Conference for the Telecommunications Company, Centrix. I'm doing more and more speaking engagements and it gets easier and better the more you do - just like anything I suppose but I'm really starting to love this part of my work and today was a great experience for me - as well as the Centrix Guys I hope.

It was a very early start, I know that and following my presentation, I did have a good 90 minutes sleep in the car at the Reading Services on the M4. Talk about luxury, it was just a great experience and I loved sleeping with the warm autumn sun on my face.

Later on in Cardiff, I clocked in another 7 miler and it felt a nice easy run and allowed me another opportunity for reflection on my #Stoptober Challenge and time to think about what's next on my horizon.

It's very exciting... 

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