Wednesday 3 October 2018

There's no 'I' in Team...

I know I've recently blogged on the subject of ‘Teams’ and ‘Team-ship’, but I felt the subject-matter needed another visit. You see, in my experience of ULTRA-marathon and Marathon Running, (solitary pursuits you might believe), I realise that none of my achievements would have happened without the help of a great ‘Team’ working with me.

And if you’ve been in the Gym with me on a Fitness Assessment, you’ll know I use ‘Formula 1’ analogy to describe how best to get the most out of everything you have, from choice of trainer to mental strategy. In an 'F1 Team’ the man putting on the wheel-nut is just as important as the Driver – The 60-75 people needed to work as one is simply mind-boggling and one to really admire. How lucky Lewis Hamilton must be in having all of that support and accountability, helping him around the track to success.

Then again, just how many people are there in YOUR team? How many people does it take to make things happen for you, and what you are trying to achieve right now?

When you think about it, your family are bigtime support. Even the little ones, as well as parents and siblings so for me that’s ten plus Add some  close friends and a good helping of Facebook and there could be an easily a couple hundred more to add if you look at peak Facebook ‘Messages’ and ‘Likes’ surrounding Birthdays and events like the Marathon des Sables – A massive support network. I mean, where would we be without the internet for information gathering and connecting, planning and broadcasting. Google is an ULTRArunners best friend.

Physically, well there’s your GP, National Health Service, Local Hospital and for me, Dial-a-Doctor-Brother to get the ‘Express treatment’ I need to keep running and coaching.

I could go on adding to the list but by now you’re hopefully getting my point that although we believe we can operate as a ‘One-Man-Band’ – We don't and we can’t. Sure, be picky, piss a few people off along the way if they don’t play as hard, as well or for as long as we do - so pick your 'Team' wisely.

And what I've discovered?

Well, I’ve always thought that I’m not a ‘Team-Player’ as I’m not interested in playing ‘Team Sports’ but on further investigation I’m actually part of hundreds of teams and love every minute of being part of them, who'd have thought that eh? – Are you part of a ’Team’ and how’s your 'Team-ship' playing today?

It's worth a thought.

1,025 Marathons, 248 ULTRAs, 9 Marathon des Sables & 15 Marathon des Sables

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