Thursday 8 December 2022

Fight from the Inside - Queen

‘Ho-Ho-Ho – Merry Christmas Everyone’ or should I say, ‘My-oh-my – How the fuck am I going to survive Christmas’…

Yes, it’s the toughest time of the year for anyone cleaning up their lifestyle, and it can become a complete disaster if you are not careful as those around you do their best to undermine your inner resolve. They don’t necessarily do it on purpose either, they do it sometimes to enables themselves to over-indulge in the festive calorie bonanza. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m just the same as anyone else and enjoy a good Christmas Lunch – you’ll find me digging into turkey surrounded as many roast potatoes that my plate swimming in gravy will take, with the one ceremonial slice of carrot atop a sea of peas. I can taste it now - Yum yum…
The thing is, it’s just one meal and I’ll have a nice brew on hand to wash it down with rather that a beer, bottle of wine, champagne, port, brandy etc. because as you know booze ain’t my thing. It will probably be my only meal of the day and I will run on Christmas morning as it feels good to do something healthy on a day noted for being so unhealthy and self-indulgent.
People use being in company as a handy excuse to go wild with their diet and feel obligated to go with the flow. What I’ve discovered over the years with any such social occasion is that people worry more about what they are consuming to be too concerned with what you are. I’ve spoken to many this week that are quoting office parties, family gatherings etc. as obstacles to their success. However, it’s really easy to come up with a million excuses as to why one is not drinking or eating whatever. Try my favourite, ‘I have a problem with alcohol’ it normally quashes the fuss or ‘I’m on a diet – and I don’t want to be fat anymore’.
If you tell people, ‘WHY’ you are living the way you are and not doing some of your previous behavioural traits then that should be good enough to stop even the weakest of weak-willed people not to partake of the obligatory mince-pie or glass of mulled wine. The Christmas period is actually a time where you can strengthen your defence against these energy-vampires that simply don’t understand what you are trying to achieve and get you through the New Year into Dry January.
As I go into year twenty-nine, nearly half of my life now dry, I’m ever more convinced that being alcohol, smoke and fat free will deliver a much longer and happier life. You see I never feel like I’m missing out, I’m not missing anything. I’ve gained a whole new world of positive adventure that doesn’t revolve around thinking about the next meal.
Nadolig Llawen my friends and 2023 beckons – enjoy the taste of success, it lasts a lot longer than a glass of wine or a mince pie.

1,147 Marathons - 270 Ultras - 9 Guinness World Records - 15 Marathon des Sables

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