Sunday 18 December 2022

Turning Japanese – The Vapors

'It wouldn't look too good imho'...

'I want a doctor to take your picture, so I can look at you from inside as well' - Fenton

Yes, it's nearly 29 years since I stubbed out my last B&H, and I won't wax on about the health benefits, only that I'm bloody ecstatic that I stopped smoking, as I have certainly made the most of quitting the 'Evil Weed' ever since. Back then, I would never had imagined that I would have run so many miles and had so many adventures within a new life 'Smoke free'.

In 1993, there was a simple choice to 'Smoke' or 'Not to Smoke'. A simple black and white choice with no half measures. Cut to 2022 and there‘s a new villain in town to rob you of your cash and potentially of your health - VAPING. As yet, the jury is out on the long-term risks, but I've a feeling there will be many health implications given time. Sure, the approx £3500-a-year saving from vaping instead of smoking 20 cigarettes-a-day provides a huge incentive to change ones smoking habits to vaping, however as vaping is seen as less of a health issue, the jump to smoking abstinence is seen by many as a 'good enough' attempt at a positive lifestyle change.


As a lifestyle coach, I find vaping bloody annoying and see it as manslaughter v murder in fitness terms. It’s like a spoonful of artificial sweetener on your porridge that won’t make you fat but is full of carcinogens that will kill you in the long run - again something I find bemusing. Vaping is simply something that's not needed, with the only winners being the businesses profiteering from the £1.325 billion vaping generates in the UK each year. 


Now, if you're a vaper or a smoker and you are reading this... January 1st is looming and it's a good day to start the rest of your life 'nicotine free'. Free of this nonsense. Nicotine addiction nonsense.


You see it’s the nicotine that really keeps you smoking. Nicotine reaches the brain within seconds and increases the release of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which help regulate mood and behaviour or so the science says. Dopamine, one of these neurotransmitters, is released in the centre of the brain, causing feelings of pleasure and improving the mood. And the more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel good. Nicotine quickly becomes part of your daily routine and intertwined with your habits and feelings. It's a ridiculous roundabout...


Smoking triggers include:- drinking coffee, taking breaks from work, talking on the phone, drinking alcohol, driving and spending time with friends. On the flip side I found running, and exercise provide a natural form of smoking cessation - try running 10km pretty hard and then think about smoking or's more like puking!


Becoming more aware of your smoking triggers means that you can make plans to give up Vaping for good. It isn’t rocket science and living in ‘Vaping-Limbo-Land’ will never get you to becoming totally smoke-free. And becoming smoke-free is a great way to start 2023 where you have nothing to lose and everything to gain AND you’ll be one less person on my list each week, that I need to ask to stop vaping.

1,148 Marathons - 270 Ultras - 15 GWR - 9 MDS - 10,574 Days Smoke-Free

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