Saturday 14 November 2015

Hold Your Colour - Pendulum

Lyric:- 'Don't try to save yourself, the circle is complete' - Thompson

Song Choice:- No marathons this weekend for me and on a wet day in November in Cardiff  and in the light of the Paris Terrorism Attacks it's hard to lift the mood but I decided to include some Pendulum in my day to brighten up the 'Darkness' that can sometimes surround us in this crazy upside down world we live in.

So sticking to the colour theme, for years now I believe I see and feel life in 4K Hi-Definition colour. It's so bright and clear sometimes it makes your fingers tingle. It makes you feel so alive...Have you ever felt like that? It's a rare feeling and folk can sometimes go a lifetime and never experience it. Maybe it 's something that comes with age, who knows. 

If however, you view life the same way, you'll know just what I mean. 

You'll already know that short-lived artifically-fuelled alcohol highs and lows just makes the world even foggier place take it from me, as I know. If you want to see what I mean, I have some 3D glasses you can try on before the world simply passes you by.

It took me a good 31 years to find out where I'd been going wrong and that first run of just 100 steps took me from living in a grey, alcohol fuelled black and white world to my Hi-Def heaven where I now like to think I preside.

I say 'think' as it's a from perfect broadband service in 'Roryworld' and there are still parts of it that are still a puzzle. Therefore, I see life more like a 'Hi-Def Magic-Eye Picture' and what can seem really obvious to me sometimes can often just be 'gobbledygook' to the folk I meet.

Have I lost you now - I'd love to know...anyway...

I'm often asked what's my favourite marathon, or greatest achievement well I'm not really sure if I'm being honest as I've done so many and they have more value as a whole rather than as one-off's.  What I would say though is the greatest gift I've got from running is 'Seeing the world in Hi-Definition Colour'.

Get those fingers tingling folks...and get a HDTV License ASAP and 'Hold Your Colour'.. 

More tomorrow...

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